
Sýni offers consultancy and services to companies in the food industry. The company offers microbiological measurements, e.g. for assessments of freshness, chemical analyses for requirements relating to nutritional value labelling, assistance in the adoption and maintenance of internal controls, hygiene monitoring and a range of education options and training for employees in the food industries.
Comprehensive solutions for companies:
- Quality issues: Adoption and updates of quality manuals, training and education for employees.
- Chemical and microbiological measurements: Shelf-life, quality requirements, nutritional values.
- Audits of quality systems: IFFO RS., RFM and MSC, BRC in co-operation with Sai Global.
- Inspections: Hygiene inspections, product labelling, products, cargo inspections.
- Product development and treatment of foodstuffs: Assistance in the solution of technical problems, shelf-life, optimal utilisation, etc.
- Environmental issues: Sampling and measurements of sewerage and exhaust, consultancy in co-operation with Verkís.
- Sýni’s Food Academy: Diverse curricula on most subjects involving food as well as courses for individuals and groups on food preparation and healthy eating.
Sýni employs professionals with university degrees in food sciences, chemistry, fisheries and nutrition sciences. The consultancy services provided merges expertise with all the experience that the company has built up over the 30 years that it has been operating.
Sýni is the only privately operated testing facility in this field that has received accreditation in accordance with the IST EN ISO/IEC 17025 standard for the most common chemical and microbiological testing.
Hjá Sýni starfa hópur framúrskarandi fólks með fjölbreytta menntun, reynslu og þekkingu. Sýni leggur áherslu á að starfsfólki líði vel í vinnunni, takist á við fjölbreytt verkefni í góðri vinnuaðstöðu.
Á þeim 30 árum sem Sýni hefur starfað hefur starfsmannahópurinn stækkað og starfa í dag 30 manns hjá fyrirtækinu. Sýni leggur áherslu á fjölbreyttan hóp samstarfsfélaga sem saman mynda sterka og góða liðsheild.
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Vinasmlegast sendið atvinnuumsóknir á netfangið atvinna@syni.is
Staðsetning og Opnunartímar
Vikurhvarf 3, 203 Kóp. Mán - fös: 08:00 - 16:00
Furuvellir 1, 600 Akureyri. Mán - fös: 08:00 - 16:00
Vinsamlegast sendið allar óskir varðandi styrki og fjáraflanir á netfangið syni@syni.is