- Nutritional value calculations
- Preparation of content descriptions
- Proofreading of package labels
- Preparation of data / product description papers
We at Sýni have provided services to numerous companies over the years and have provided advice on the labelling of their products according to the laws and regulations that apply to foodstuffs labelling. The preparation of content descriptions, calculations of nutritional values and package labelling in general are just some of the tasks we undertake.
With the adoption the new European Union Regulation (EU) No. 1169/2011 on the provision of food information to consumers, which entered into effect on 13 December 2014, the requirements increased even further (Note: the deadline was extended to 13 May 2015 due to later adoption).
In order to service our customers to the fullest extent possible, Sýni adopted, in early 2013, the software Dankost Pro, software that has been developed by the Danish company Dankost. The company has over 20 years of experience in the development of software for use in the food industry. The programme contains information on the nutritional value of foodstuffs obtained from, among others, the Danish database Födevaredatabanken, the US database USDA (National Nutrient Database for Standard Reference) and ÍSGEM (the Icelandic database on the chemical content of foodstuffs). Dankost also allows the user to prepare content descriptions and data / goods description papers according to the wishes of the customer.